ScyMed Inc. التطبيقات

LiverCalc™ 2.5
ScyMed Inc.
The LiverCalc™ App includes most formulas andequations used in the daily assessments of patients with liverdisease, like cirrhosis, hepatitis, liver transplant, etc. Thisinnovative calculator allows the computation of 17 liver parametersin one single panel (from 25 inputs), assuring convenience andaccuracy. The equations may also be computed independently.LiverCalc™ facilitates the organization and processing of Patient'sdata. It is a provider-friendly™ app, intuitive and very easy touse.Unique reference, productivity and decision support tool. Provenand reliable data processing, for physicians, residents, medstudents, PAs and NPs...Developed by Board-certified physicians.---------------------------------------------------------------------LiverCalc™ CONTENTS:Hepato Calc™ MasterChild-Turcotte-Pugh ClassificationModel for End-stage Liver Disease - UNOSMELD-Na, PELDSerum:Ascites Albumin RatioAST:ALT RatioDiscriminant FunctionGlomerular Filtration Rate (Cockcroft)Glomerular Filtration Rate (MDRD-4 & MDRD-6)Chronic Kidney Disease ClassificationAnion Gap (Serum)Fractional Excretion of Na+Fractional Excretion of UreaBUN : Creatinine (S) ratioBody Mass IndexOverweight & Obesity ClassificationBody Surface AreaBasal Energy ExpenditureConversion---------------------------------------------------------------------The LiverCalc™ FEATURES:(the best and proven clinical data processing)* arithmetical processing* automatic unit conversion* multiple-unit entries* color-coded normal-abnormal outputs* normal values (ranges & limits)* automatic range-checks (limits)* intuitive user interface* easy navigation and info access* smart decimal rounding* Système International notation* tables of parameters* mobile & online* expanded equation views* fully referenced* highly organized and standardized---------------------------------------------------------------------LiverCalc™ is part of ScyMed® MediCalc®, the first and mostcomprehensive Medical Calculator System™ in the world, online formore than 15 years...Other Medical Apps developed by ScyMed include MediCalc®,EKG-card™, H&P-card™ ICU-card™, eH&P™, etc. (mobile &online).
Stat-Spanish™ 1.0
ScyMed Inc.
Spanish For Healthcare Professionals™
BMIcalx™ 2
ScyMed Inc.
Healthy Resource for Fitness, Looks &Performance™ (physical | mental | sexual).
Compute your own Body Weight parameters with confidentiality,reliability, and absolute privacy.Developed by board-certified Physicians. Designed for Everyone.User-Friendly. The national epidemic of obesity, heart disease, high bloodpressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, etc. has reachedunprecedented levels. BMIcalx™ & Health101™ will createawareness, disseminate guidelines, facilitate the learning process,and hopefully, motivate the adoption of healthier lifestyles andrisk-reduction strategies. ---------------------------------------------------------------------BMIcalx™ CONTENTS:Body Mass Index (BMI)Overweight & Obesity ClassificationBody Fat CalculatorBody Fat ClassificationMetric/English Unit Conversions---------------------------------------------------------------------The BMIcalx ™ FEATURES:(the best and proven clinical data processing)arithmetical processingintuitive interfacecolor-coded normal-abnormal outputsnormal valuesdynamic tablesautomatic range-checksEnglish/Metric notationorganized and standardizedBased on Clinical Guidelines---------------------------------------------------------------------BMIcalx™ is developed by ScyMed®, the leader in clinicalapplication software and the developer of MediCalc®, the mostcomprehensive Medical Calculator System™, online for more than 15years, tens of thousands of users worldwide...Other Medical Apps developed by ScyMed include Health101™,Stat-Spanish™, MediCalc®, EKG-card™, etc. (mobile &online).
NephroCalc™ 1.0
ScyMed Inc.
The NephroCalc™ App includes most formulas and equations used inthe daily assessments of patients with kidney disease. Itincorporates more than 100 equations and innovative MultiCalx™Master panels for combined calculations, assuring convenience andaccuracy. NephroCalc™ facilitates the organization and processingof Patient's data. It is a physician-friendly™ app, intuitive andvery easy to use. Unique reference, productivity and decisionsupport tool. Proven and reliable data processing, for physicians,residents, med students, PAs and NPs... Developed byBoard-certified physicians. **See also MediCalc® 8, MedicalCalculator System™, >300 equations.-------------------------------------------- NephroCalc™ CONTENTS:Renal Calc™ Master Diabetic Ketoacidosis Master Renal Failure Diff.Diagnosis Master Anion Gap Master Osmolality Master GFR MasterGlomerular Filtration Rate (Cockcroft) Creatinine, calculated(Cockcroft) (reverse) Glomerular Filtration Rate (MDRD-4, MDRD-6,CKD-EPI) Chronic Kidney Disease Classification Anion Gap (Serum)Fractional Excretion of Na+ Fractional Excretion of UreaTransTubular Potassium Gradient Body Mass Index Overweight &Obesity Classification Renal Failure (Diagnostic Indices) TargetCreatinine for GFR Creatinine Clearance Anion Gap (Serum) DeltaDelta Anion Gap (Urinary) Bicarbonate Deficit Chloride DeficitHenderson - Hasselbalch Equation Acid base Equation MetabolicAcidosis "Winter's formula" Metabolic Alkalosis RespiratoryAcidosis, acute & chronic Respiratory Alkalosis, acute &chronic Required Sodium Sodium Correction by serum glucosePotassium / pH Correction Body Water Master Osmolar Gap Osmolality,calculated Blood Alcohol Level Fractional Excretions (K+, Mg, HCO3,PO4) Renal Failure Index Basal Energy Expenditure Conversion andmany more... -------------------------------------------- TheNephroCalc™ FEATURES: (the best and proven clinical dataprocessing) * arithmetical processing * automatic unit conversion *multiple-unit entries * color-coded normal-abnormal outputs *normal values (ranges & limits) * automatic range-checks(limits) * intuitive user interface * easy navigation and infoaccess * Search bar with filters * smart decimal rounding * SystèmeInternational notation * tables of parameters * mobile & online* expanded equation views * fully referenced * highly organized andstandardized --------------------------------------------NephroCalc™ is part of ScyMed® MediCalc®, the first and mostcomprehensive Medical Calculator System™ in the world, online formore than 15 years... NephroCalc™ is also available in spanish asNefroCalc™. Other Medical Apps developed by ScyMed includeMediCalc®, LiverCalc™, EKG-card™, H&P-card™, eH&P™, etc.(mobile & online).
SEPSIS 3 1.2
ScyMed Inc.
Sepsis Calculators & Data
iDox® 2.4
ScyMed Inc.
"Intelligent Medical Documents™"
MediCalc® 10.4
ScyMed Inc.
"The standard for clinical calculations and analytics inMedicine™".
eGFR 1.0
ScyMed Inc.
The eGFR App includes the formulas and equations used in thedailyassessments of patients with kidney disease, Acute KidneyInjuryand Chronic Kidney Disease. It incorporates more than 20equations,dynamic tables, and innovative MultiCalx™ Master panelfor combinedcalculations, assuring convenience and accuracy. eGFRfacilitatesthe organization and processing of Patient's data. It isaphysician-friendly™ app, intuitive and very easy to use.Uniquereference, productivity and decision support tool. Provenandreliable data processing, for physicians, residents, medstudents,PAs and NPs... Developed by Board-certified physicians.**See alsoMediCalc® 8, Medical Calculator System™, >450Equations &Scores. --------------------------------------------eGFR CONTENTS:GFR Master Glomerular Filtration Rate (Cockcroft)GlomerularFiltration Rate (GFR-EPI creatinine) GlomerularFiltration Rate(GFR-EPI cystatin C) Glomerular Filtration Rate(GFR-EPI creatinine- cystatin C) Albumin:Creatinine RatioProtein:Creatinine RatioGlomerular Filtration Rate (MDRD-4)Glomerular Filtration Rate(MDRD-6) Glomerular Filtration Rate(Schwartz) Chronic KidneyDisease Classification Anion Gap (Serum)Fractional Excretion ofNa+ Fractional Excretion of Urea Body MassIndex Overweight &Obesity Classification Body Surface AreaBasal Energy ExpenditureConversion-------------------------------------------- The eGFRFEATURES: (thebest and proven clinical data processing) *arithmetical processing* automatic unit conversion * multiple-unitentries * color-codednormal-abnormal outputs * normal values(ranges & limits) *automatic range-checks (limits) * intuitiveuser interface * easynavigation and info access * Search bar withfilters * smart decimalrounding * Système International notation *tables of parameters *mobile & online * expanded equationviews * fully referenced *highly organized andstandardized-------------------------------------------- eGFR ispart ofScyMed® MediCalc®, the first and most comprehensiveMedicalCalculator System™ in the world, mobile & online formore than15 years... eGFR is also available in spanish, french anditalian.Other Medical Apps developed by ScyMed includeMediCalc®,LiverCalc™, EKG-card™, H&P-card™, eH&P™, etc.(mobile &online).
EKG-card™ 1.0
ScyMed Inc.
The best and Classic EKG pocket medical reference card -foralmost20 years-. EKG-card™ assures QUICK & EFFICIENT ACCESS to"Pointof care information that matters™". It offers an excellentsynopsiswith practical, user-friendly, reliable information,forphysicians, residents, med students, and healthcareprofessionals.The EKG-card™ App includes definitions, data, andmultiple rhythmstrips. Developed by Board-certifiedphysicians.--------------------------------------- EKG-card™CONTENTS: RateElectrical Axis Hexaxial System QT Interval (info&calculation) Right Atrial Hypertrophy Right VentricularHypertrophyLeft Atrial Hypertrophy Left Ventricular Hypertrophy1ºAtrio-ventricular Block 2º Atrio-ventricular Block MobitzI(Wenckebach) Mobitz II 3º Atrio-ventricular Block RightBundleBranch Block Left Bundle Branch Block Left Anterior HemiblockLeftPosterior Hemiblock Normal Sinus Rhythm AtrialPrematureDepolarization Premature Atrial Contraction AtrialBigeminyVentricular Premature Depolarization PrematureVentricularContraction Paroxysmal Atrial Tachycardia MultifocalAtrialTachycardia Supraventricular Tachycardia Atrial FlutterAtrialFibrillation Bigeminy Trigeminy Junctional RhythmAcceleratedIdioventricular Rhythm Ventricular Tachycardia Torsadesdes PointesVentricular Fibrillation Asystole Ischemia Specific ECGChanges(drugs, diseases) ---------------------------------------Thetraditional EKG-card™ printed version images are included(front& back). The EKG-card is also available in Spanish (underthename ECG-card™). Other Medical Apps developed by ScyMedincludeMediCalc®, eH&P™ and Galên™ (mobile & online).
Health101™ 2.3
ScyMed Inc.
An innovative Health Assessment & Education Tool™,featuringmore than 25 health calculators, health information, webresources,Guidelines, and integrated panels for comprehensiveassessments.The contents are fully referenced and its functionalitybroadlytested. 
Developed by board-certified Physicians. DesignedforEveryone. User-Friendly. Compute your own Body Weight parametersinone single panel. Assess your BMI, body fat, obesity thresholdandmuch more... with confidentiality, reliability, andabsoluteprivacy.   The national epidemic of obesity, heartdisease,high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, etc. hasreachedunprecedented levels. Health101™ will create awareness,disseminateguidelines, facilitate the learning process, andhopefully,motivate the adoption of healthier lifestyles andrisk-reductionstrategies. ---------------------------------------------------------------------Health101™ CONTENTS: BodyMetrix™ Master (13 variables) Body MassIndex(BMI) Reverse Body Mass Index (rBMI) Ideal Body Weight (IBW)BasalEnergy Expenditure (BEE) Target Heart Rate (tHR) MaximumHeart Rate(HRm) Cardiovascular Risk Framingham and ASCVD MetabolicSyndromeOverweight Threshold BMI-25 Obesity Threshold BMI-30 Waistto HipRatio (WHR) Body Surface Area (BSA) Lean Body Weight (LBW)TotalBody Water (TBW) Total Energy Expenditure (TEE) BasalMetabolic Rate(BMR) Calories burned by Activity Metric/EnglishUnitConversions---------------------------------------------------------------------TheHealth 101™ FEATURES: (the best and proven clinical dataprocessing)Based on Clinical Guidelines integrated panel forcomprehensiveassessments arithmetical processing intuitiveinterface color-codednormal-abnormal outputs normal valuesautomatic range-checksEnglish/Metric notation organizedandstandardized---------------------------------------------------------------------Health101™is developed by ScyMed, the leader in clinicalapplication softwareand the developer of MediCalc®, the mostcomprehensive MedicalCalculator System™, online for more than 18years, tens of thousandsof users worldwide... Other Medical Appsdeveloped by ScyMed includeStat-Spanish™, MediCalc®, EKG-card™,etc. (mobile & online).
ASCVD Risk 1.1
ScyMed Inc.
"Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease Risk AssessmentTool""Pooled Cohort Risk Equations, 2013" ***From the newACC/AHAGuidelines*** The ASCVD 10y Risk Assessment algorithmpresentedhere is the new "Pooled Cohort Risk Equations" from theGuidelineon the Assessment of Cardiovascular Risk of the ACC/AHA.Itcalculates the 10-year primary risk of ASCVD(atheroscleroticcardiovascular disease) among patients withoutestablishedcardiovascular disease who are between 40 and 79 yearsof age. Youcan also compute the traditional Framingham Risk, NCEP,MetabolicSyndrome, BMI, GFR, etc. ASCVD Risk App is part ofMediCalc®, thebest and most comprehensive "Medical CalculatorSystem™" in theworld (continuosly updated). It performs automaticcomputation ofmore than 300 clinical formulas, equations &scores "commonlyused" in medical practice. MediCalc® features theinnovativeMULTICALX™ Master panels for combined calculations, theyassureconvenience and accuracy. It also includes valuable "point ofcareinformation". +Unique reference, productivity and decisionsupporttool. +Trusted resource with proven and reliable dataprocessing.+For physicians, residents, med students, PAs and NPs...+Developedby Board-certified physicians in the US. +Highlyacclaimed,reviewed and tested (since1996).-------------------------------------------------- TheMediCalc®FEATURES: (the best and proven clinical data processing)*arithmetical processing * automatic unit conversion *MULTICALX™Panels * multiple-unit entries * color-codednormal-abnormaloutputs * normal values (ranges & limits) *automaticrange-checks (limits) * intuitive user interface * easynavigationand info access * Search bar with filters * smart decimalrounding* Système International notation * tables of parameters *mobile& online (free access) * expanded equation views *fullyreferenced * highly organized andstandardized--------------------------------------------------MediCalc® ispart of the ScyMed® Network of MedicalApps, and thefirst and mostcomprehensive Medical Calculator System™ in theworld, online since1996... (tens of thousands of users & freeonline access).Available in spanish and italian.
eH&P™ 4.4
ScyMed Inc.
"custom History & Physical Exam™" ******* FREE for a limitedtime *******
ICU-card™ 6
ScyMed Inc.
The ICU-card™ App includes drugs, dosages, formulas, equationsandnormal values for hemodynamics, pulmonary, renal, nutrition,etc.Practical, reliable information, for physicians, residents,medstudents, and healthcare professionals. DevelopedbyBoard-certified physicians.---------------------------------------ICU-card™ CONTENTS: ICUDrugs Ventilator (intubation|extubationcriteria) ConversionHemodynamic Patterns Hemodynamics PressuresResistances Cardiac WorkA-a Oxygen Gradient Oxygen Content OxygenDelivery Lung VolumesVentilation Renal Clearances Acid-Basemetabolism Electrolytes BodyWater Fractional Excretions BodyWeight & Mass Energy &Nitrogen--------------------------------------- The traditionalICU-card™printed version images are included (front & back).TheICU-card™ is also available in Spanish (under thenamearitMédica™). Other Medical Apps developed by ScyMedincludeMediCalc®, EKG-card™ and eH&P™ (mobile & online).ICU-card™assures QUICK & EFFICIENT ACCESS to ICU informationthatmatters™.
Synt® 1.0
ScyMed Inc.
Synt® 1. Medicine. Synthesized.™ DDx+™ Tool(DifferentialDiagnosis+™ Tool)